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Al Ameed French Dark Roast Ground Coffee, 100% Organic & Finely Ground Coffee, 8oz (Pack of 6)

Our coffee is a perfectly balanced and full-bodied French coffee blend with a delicious smooth finish. It’s made with Arabica beans, finely ground for traditional herbal notes and aromatics. At Al-Ameed Coffee, it is not just about a cup of coffee. It’s about experiencing the craft and passion behind the making of every cup. We roast, grind, and compare. We sip, taste, and repeat. All so we can offer you the best coffee pack with loads of flavors. We start by carefully selecting & skillfully roasting Arabica beans, then instantly pack to preserve the deep, rich aroma and freshness Al Ameed is famous for. Serve unfiltered and enjoy! Product of Jordan. Exclusively distributed in the USA by Ziyad Brothers Importing.

ORIGINAL GOURMET COFFEE: This exotic blend of coffee is made from the finest dark coffee beans and roasted deep to bring out the rich aesthetic flavors that we are famous for.
ROBUST FLAVOR: Immerse yourself in the artisanal flavors of our arabica dark roast coffee. One sip and you'll notice the difference instantly.
FRESH & PREMIUM QUALITY: The finest beans are carefully selected & skillfully roasted, then instantly packed to preserve the deep, rich aroma, and freshness. So, you get freshly roasted dark ground coffee every time.
HOW TO ENJOY: We give you the freedom to enjoy our coffee as you desire. Brew it as drip coffee, pour over, or use it in French press. The choice is all yours!
QUALITY COFFEE: We follow strict procedures to ensure that every product that reaches you is the best of the best. So, enjoy your organic French coffee by Al Ameed.